Fisher Pediatrics
4037 South Arbor Lane, Suite D
New Palestine, IN 46163
Phone: 317 861 7125
Fax: 317 861 7141
Monday 8-5
Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-12
Friday 8-5
Most Saturdays 8-10
January Weekend Hours:
Saturday 1/18 Open 8:30 - 10:30
Saturday 1/25 Open 8:30 - 10:30
For scheduling appointments online, the medical record requires you to put in the parents' birthday to schedule, but then enter your child's name and we will receive the request.
Please choose the earliest time you can arrive so that there are open appointments for sick children later in the day.
If you are new to the practice, we will call you when we see the appointment request to enroll your child in the office. Until a chart is made, the portal will not let us "approve" the appointment you request, but we will call you within 12 hours. Thank you!
Our Mission
My goal is, and always has been, to deliver excellent, personal care to children of all ages. I will strive to achieve that through understandable communication with patients and their parents, easy access to me and my staff, and an office that fosters the feeling of a second home, where kids and their parents feel a sense of ownership and affiliation with the practice.
How will we achieve this mission?
Being a one-person practice, I will strive to be in the office five days a week and some Saturday mornings. As we get bigger, I will likely add a partner or nurse to help me, but the goal is I will be available as "your doctor". In order to be accessible to my patients and still have time with my family, we are going to encourage parents to send as much nonurgent communication through email on the electronic medical record. Just like mychart, you will have a way to message me with questions through an email, and I will read my emails first thing every morning that I am working and throughout the workday. For urgent concerns, we will have traditional phone access.
We will strive to have same day sick appointments. You will have the ability to schedule online at home through the electronic medical record, but we do ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to every appointment. 15 minutes early will allow us to check you in and get vitals, check insurance, etc so that we have as much time as possible together focused on your child and not on the busy work that comes before the "real appointment."
In order for our staff to focus more on your child's health and needs, and less on clerical work, we are requiring all patients to allow us to use email and text for appointment notifications and reminders. Over the last 20 years I have seen a shift (myself included) where most adults get information much more efficiently through text and email. I have over 300 voice messages on my personal phone. I just don't check them, but I answer texts immediately. I have found a lot of our patients feel the same! You will also get non serious results through the electronic medical record, such as negative strep throat cultures. I will always call you personally if there is something we need to discuss on your results!
We are going to have fun. Running a private practice means we can do things like Open House, Holiday events, contests, etc. Mrs. Fisher is an amazing event coordinator and I can't wait to see what she puts together for our first Open House/Grand Opening. When we have more details on that I will add a page to the website. Hopefully you will all stop by and take a look at our new office!
I will try my hardest to talk to your kids honestly and directly, often addressing them before you. During sick visits, I will let you know what findings or history led me to my diagnosis, and what treatment is most reasonable, and if there are good alternatives. I will also let you know what signs or symptoms that may happen after the appointment that could change our course of treatment.