Fisher Pediatrics
4037 South Arbor Lane, Suite D
New Palestine, IN 46163
Phone: 317 861 7125
Fax: 317 861 7141
Monday 8-5
Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-12
Friday 8-5
Most Saturdays 8-10
January Weekend Hours:
Saturday 1/18 Open 8:30 - 10:30
Saturday 1/25 Open 8:30 - 10:30
For scheduling appointments online, the medical record requires you to put in the parents' birthday to schedule, but then enter your child's name and we will receive the request.
Please choose the earliest time you can arrive so that there are open appointments for sick children later in the day.
If you are new to the practice, we will call you when we see the appointment request to enroll your child in the office. Until a chart is made, the portal will not let us "approve" the appointment you request, but we will call you within 12 hours. Thank you!
Request an Appointment
You can make your own appointments through the Patient Fusion Portal if you are enrolled. If you are not enrolled you can request an appointment through the link below but you must put in your adult birthday to start the appointment request. It will not accept your child's birthday. Once you start the process it will give you the option of putting in your child's name and date of birth. Thanks, Dr. Fisher
Please pick the earliest appointment in the day that fits your schedule!
Why would I want to come in the morning? Morning has several advantages, but the biggest is that it leaves afternoon appointments available for kids who get sick during the day. Our goal is 99% chance that your sick child will be able to be seen the same day, and to do that, we strive for the majority of future appointments to be made as early as possible!
But what if I need a later appointment?
If the best time for you and your child is the later afternoon, please book the appointment that works out the best! We understand that school and job schedules can make it necessary to have a late afternoon appointment!