Fisher Pediatrics
4037 South Arbor Lane, Suite D
New Palestine, IN 46163
Phone: 317 861 7125
Fax: 317 861 7141
Monday 8-5
Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-5
Friday 8-5
Most Saturdays 8-10

William J. Fisher, MD
Caitlynn Worden, PNP
We are committed to same day sick and urgent appointments. Before you go to an urgent care, ER, or retail clinic, please give us a call. We are often more cost effective and more specialized in pediatric care than other urgent care options, with little to no wait.
Notable Spring Dates
2/20/21 - First day Caitlynn Worden, PNP, worked
2/28/25 - I year anniversary of the idea of office
3/10/25 - 1 year anniversary of the logo
3/12/25 - 1 year anniversary of Fisher Peds LLC
March - Room 5 almost ready for use

What will be new for 2025?
I am excited for 2025. We have worked out many of the kinks of opening a new office, and now my goal is to increase access even more for our patients. To that end, we have hired an excellent Pediatric Nurse Practitioner to start covering Thursday afternoons in the spring, and then move up to part time in the summer. She is fantastic, and I am looking forward to being able to tell you more about her. With the addition of caregivers, sometimes parents worry that they will not be able to see their doctor. That will never be an issue at Fisher Pediatrics, but our new NP will be a great resource when I am not available. Now for vacations, personal illness, jury duty, etc, you will have high quality pediatric care as an option in the office your kids feel most comfortable.

We finally are in network with United Healthcare, as of July 10th. We are still waiting on Tricare. I was told that should happen this week.
We have ordered flu shots and covid shots for this fall. They should arrive late August or early September. We will post the news to the website when we have them in stock!

The floors are done! They are now puke and pee proof, but at the same time look and feel great! We want to thank
Ulysses T. VanDyke
for a professional and fantastic install job - it was a pleasure doing business with him.
Why is this baby so happy? Well besides being the obvious choice for healthy baby sticker for the "Well Waiting Room" he is thrilled that we finally had our phones installed!!

Phone: 317-861-7125
Fax: 317-861-7141
We are not in the office yet, since I will be at Community through June 1st, so still feel free to text questions or appointments to my cell at 317-490-6494
It's a me, Mario!! Yep, we took the theme from the nurse room from Circle City Peds and made it a full theme from room 1!

Stay tuned for a big change coming to the office this week and next!
So Room 3 is first out of the gate to be decorated, and it is a return to the style of Room 2 at Circle City Peds - Winnie the Pooh. We are thinking super heroes for another room and possibly Disney theme for the third, although I may go a little more random as well!

Hopefully our sign will be up the second week of May!
For now, here is the mock up picture. Our office is very easy to get to, right off US 52 by the Ace Hardware in New Palestine.

The Inside
Some of you may find this familiar. This is the suite we used 18 years ago when we had a New Palestine satellite for Circle City Pediatrics. It feels full circle to come back! The office looks almost exactly the same, but we do have some gentle remodeling to do over the next 2 months. We just got it painted, it is coming along nicely!

Nurses Station
Yesterday was a big day for the practice, my wife and two teenage sons helped me move the fridge in, and it looks and fits great. We also installed over 50 LED lights and built a few of the waiting rooms chairs, which ended up being very sturdy and super comfortable.